Erika Schmidt 1923 - 2013

Slideshow  Laid to Rest  Guestbook  Liturgy


Holy Trinity Church

Holy Trinity Church

Setting up the slideshow

Setting up the slideshow

Lt. Col Peter J. Schmidt

Oldest and Youngest Grandkids

And Carolyn

With Carolyn

Prayers of the Faithful

Prayers of The Faithful

Arriving at the cemetary

To rest beside Dad

The luncheon

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Cousin Ansgar Bichler

The Altar Society did a great job

Fr. Ric Halvorson, Pastor of Holy Trinity

Patty Winterscheid

Rear view of Ron & Joyce Smith and Sam

Ned Kelsey

Jimmy Sherman

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John Rayne & Gisela Webber

& Charlie

Bella, Bonnie & Jennifer

Viola Lee

Heilah, Katherine, Ansgar and Milly Smith

Thomas, Charlie & Carolyn

Erik, Luke & Tommy

Bob Feuerborn

Mark with Karen Feuerborn

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Gisela & Charlie

"Who's in charge"

A view from the slideshow - grandkids and great-grandkids

Roy Moriconi

Joline Moriconi with Karen and Lisa

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Betty's Girls

Those silly girls...

Ansgar, Katherine & Heilah

Joachim charms girls of all ages...

Bernadine Asher

The new orphans

The Siblings

That's a lot of ribbons

After the luncheon

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The morning after the funeral, 11/24/13

June 8, 1923 - November 16, 2013

Watching the Chiefs' game

Leaving town on Monday, 11/25/13

Unsere Mutter, Our Mother

Flag at Louisburg Healthcare

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Erika was the sweetest lady and always had a smile and was always so fun to visit as she was always happy she would lift you up and leave you smiling. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.
~ Nancy Fort Burton
      November 23, 2013

Mark and Family, My sincere condolences to your family. I think of Erika with much love and the deepest honor. For eight years at Holy Trinity, I was welcomed every morning by the scent of her homemade rolls. Those rolls became an important staple of our breakfast at school! I also remember how she would make sauerkraut special for me and others who enjoyed eating it by the bowlful. Her laughter and her kitchen was always full of warmth and joy. She will be dearly missed. Praying that God's peace and love will provide you with comfort and strength during this time.
~ Deana Wilhoite
      November 23, 2013

Dear Schmidt Family, I was very sad to hear about your mom. Like my mom, I too have many wonderful memories growing up about "Tante Erika." She had a welcoming heart, a hearty laugh and the warmest hugs. She was a gentle person and had a love for cats. I remember Erika in the kitchen always fixing up delicious foods; she even had ways of making vegetables taste good to a "picky little girl." Now, Erika is in heaven, laughing and talking up a storm with all the angels, and God has an extra smile because of her, as I have for knowing her.
~ Monika Stevens
      November 23, 2013

Dear Betty, Bobby, Mark, Yoachim and Wofgang, I was so sorry to hear about your mom's passing. Erika was my best friend and I have many wonderful memories of all the times our families spent together; holidays, vacations, Sunday afternoon coffee and cake, and the card games with your dad, Ullie, and Hermann and Emma Jaeger , as well as the get togethers with all our other German friends. Your mom was a wonderful person and I will miss her very much.
~ Waltraut Grusdat
       November 23, 2013

As a young child attending Holy Trinity School, Mrs. Schmidt was always such a delight. I still remember the sound of her laughter as us kiddos made our way through the lunch line, and she would joke with us and share anecdotes. Condolences and prayers to her family at this time.
 ~ Rosann (Blackmore) O'Dell
       November 19, 2013

Erika was a such a great person. I remember she was always slipping my Alex an extra roll or two. She also hand peeled potatoes for the school kids. She did this to save money and it tasted better. I have missed her for sometime. There will never be another like Erika.
 ~ Deb Miller
       November 23, 2013

Schmidt Family, Inever knew a more happy loving person in my life. Loved her singing as we worked at Friendship Manor. She was always so happy to see you and she loved her family so much. I thank God for the time we shared . Rest in peace Erika, you have walked and talked and earned your place in Heaven, Love you kids,even you, Mark.
 ~ Elsie Penn
       November 21, 2013

Our prayers are with you as you bid farewell to your dear mother. She was a wonderful lady. I loved visiting with her when she would come out to the convent to walk. I also got in on some of her good cooking too. Yum! May she rest in peace
 ~ Sister Susanne Bauer
       November 19, 2013

To all of the Schmidt Family: I'm saddened to read of your Mother's passing. Paola / America is a better place because of your Mother, Father's brave decision to bring their family here. Erika was always smiling, and had that "glad to see you" expression. What a wonderful lady. Peace to your Family!
Your Friend, Dale Duncan, Anchorage, Alaska
 ~ Dale Duncan
       November 19, 2013

To all of the Schmidt family, You are all in my thought's & prayers. I never saw her unhappy, and I'm sure that she is in a Happy Place now.
 ~ Lorin Crawford
       November 19, 2013

To Erika's children, How I enjoyed running on to your mom in the passed! I would go out of my way to talk to her....what a joy to visit with! You would always walk away with a smile on your face! She was a joyful person with so much love and happiness to share....she will be missed!
Sending each of you some love and hugs! May God Bless
 ~ Ilamay & Richard Evans
       November 18, 2013

I think Erika must have been one of the sweetest women God ever created & we were so blessed to have her in our church community for so many years. I remember her telling me several times, "Fritz called me last night." You know how it is when the phone rings & there's no one there when you answer it? Well, Erika was convinced that that was Fritz calling her from Heaven, just his way of keeping in touch. I hope now he's greeting her in person. Rest in peace, Erika. You've definitely earned it.
 ~ Judy Jeck
       November 17, 2013

Your mom was such a delite to talk to, enjoyed jawing with her after breakfast duty at Sunflower Elementary. God rest her soul, and comfort you all during this time....xxoo Kent and Glenna
 ~ Glenna
       November 17, 2013

I'm so sorry to hear of Erika's passing. Our families got to know each other on Piankishaw--remember?--and then when we all moved "farther east" to the Ursuline area of Paola. Erika was always so nice to Mom; Millie loved to visit with her. Such a beautiful, caring, hard working lady.... My thoughts are with you.
 ~ Mary Pat McQueeney
       November 17, 2013

When we moved to Paola 24 years ago, we didn't know anyone here, until we immediately met our next door neighbors, Fritz and Erika. How could anyone not feel at home and welcome with them next door?? They were like another set of grandparents for our kids. Seth called Erika YaYa for years, (and we still do sometimes, when we are talking about her). We lost Fritz in 1998, and Erika yesterday. I don't know what I would have done without her in those earlier years. Thanks Joachim Schmidt, Betty Blubaugh, Bob Schmidt, and Mark Schmidt for sharing them with us. Life wouldn't have been the same without them in it!!
 ~ Penny Goddard Roberts
       November 17, 2013

She was a wonderful lady
 ~ Lisa Foote-Ryckert
       November 17, 2013

I am so sorry. I loved your mom, and all the special treatment (lots of hugs, little spinach and an extra roll) she showed me at Holy Trinity. Your mom was the best and will always be a special part of my life. May God give you peace and comfort during this difficult time, sending prayers your way.
 ~ Barb Fehling-Fisher
       November 17, 2013

I will light a candle for your Mother. I kind of felt like she and I shared a cool connection having both our names spelled the same. There are no words for loss - just know that Dano and I are thinking about you and your family and saying prayers.
 ~ Erika Hunt
       November 17, 2013

St. Peter and the angels will be eating good from now on.
 ~ John T. Rayne
       November 17, 2013

What an amazing woman....prayers for peace for you and your family
 ~ Sue Robison Elliott
       November 17, 2013

Erika was a great lady. My kids loved her food at school. She will be missed.
 ~ Shirley Seck
       November 17, 2013

Sorry to hear that Joachim. Your Mom was always so nice to us kids when we lived across the street. One of the few truly nice people I knew.
 ~ Dixie Russell
       November 17, 2013

So sorry. She was such a special lady and everyone knows she loved her family.
 ~ Marlene Riebe
       November 18, 2013

She always had a smile on her face at Holy Trinity and I loved to hear her laugh! Such a sweet lady. My prayers go out to her family.
 ~ Kathy Baker
       November 20, 2013

My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.. she was a great lady who will be missed greatly....
 ~ Violet Longmire
       November 20, 2013

I was terribly saddened when I heard of Erika's passing. She was a great woman and will be truly missed. I remember how her children and grandchildren were everything to her. She loved you all very much. You all will be in my thoughts and prayers.
 ~ Mary Lover
       November 20, 2013

Prayers and hugs to the family . She was 1 great lady and we be missed by all.
 ~ Sandy Shivly
       November 19, 2013

Dear Schmidt Family, Since I don't have most of your mailing addresses, I'm using this way of expressing my deepest condolences. Her passing brings up many wonderful memories and I am smiling as I type. One thought I have always liked is this: "When the candle of life goes out, it only means that a glorious dawn has come for our loved ones." She is continuing on her sacred spirit journey. I am so thankful for having had her in my life, and I am comforted knowing she is now healed and perfect in every way....talking up a storm to Fritz and all her friends and family who have come to meet her. Hugs and Blessings, Bonnie
 ~ Bonnie Kelly
       November 19, 2013


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First Reading  Second Reading  Gospel  Prayers of The Faithful

A reading from the Book of Wisdom:


The just man, though he die early,

                    shall be at rest.

For the age that is honorable comes not

                    with the passing of time,

                    nor can it be measured in terms of years.

Rather, understanding is the hoary crown for men,

                    and an unsullied life, the attainment of old age.

He who pleased God was loved;

                    he who lived among sinners was transported—

Snatched away, lest wickedness pervert his mind

                    or deceit beguile his soul;

For the witchery of paltry things obscures what is right

                    and whirl of desire transforms the innocent mind.

Having become perfect in a short while,

                    he reached the fullness of a long career;

                    for his soul was pleasing to the Lord,

                    therefore he sped him out of the midst of wickedness.

But the people saw and did not understand,

                    nor did they take this into account.


The word of the Lord.                                      R/. Thanks be to God.

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A reading from the Letter of St. Paul to the Romans…


Brothers and sisters:

                    No one lives for oneself,

                    and no one dies for oneself.

For if we live, we live for the Lord,

                    and if we die, we die for the Lord;

                    so then, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s

For this is why Christ died and came to life,

                    that he might be Lord of both the dead and the living.

Why then do you judge your brother?

Or you, why do you look down on your brother?

For we shall all stand before the judgment seat of God;

                    for it is written:


          As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bend before me,

                   and every tongue shall give praise to God.


So then each of us shall give an accounting of himself to God.


The Word of the Lord…                                      R). Thanks be to God…

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A reading from the from the holy Gospel according to John:

Jesus Said to the crowd:

“Everything that the Father gives me will come to me,

and I will not reject anyone who comes to me,

because I came down from heaven not to do my own will

but the will of the one who sent me.

And this is the will of the one who sent me,

that I should raise him on the last day. 

For this is the will of my Father,

that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him

may have eternal life,

and I shall raise him on the last.”


The Gospel of the Lord.                      R/. Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ.

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Prayers of the Faithful


Priest: God, the almighty Father, raised Christ his son from the dead; with confidence we ask him to save all his people, living and dead. 


·       In baptism Christ awakened Erika to the life of God; may he now awaken her to the fullness of that life in heaven…we pray to the Lord. 


·       Erika was nourished in this life with the Eucharist, the body of Christ, the bread of life; may she now enjoy the banquet of eternal life…we pray to the Lord.


·       Through the gift of her vocation as wife and mother, Erika worked hard and with much dedication all her life; may she now enjoy rest from her labors…we pray to the Lord.


·       For those who bear the cross of pain in mind or body, may they never feel forsaken by God…we pray to the Lord.


·       For the family and friends who mourn for Erika: that they may find consolation in their faith in God and strength in the support of one another…we pray to the Lord.


·       For all here present: that we remember that what we suffer in this life can never be compared to the glory which is waiting for us in the next…we pray to the Lord.


·       For our departed relatives and friends, especially Erika’s husband Friedrich; parents Konrad and Anna; brother Emil and granddaughter Britni: that freed from every shadow of death, they may take their place in the new creation…we pray to the Lord.


·       For all who enriched Erika’s days on earth and in thanksgiving for the many ways our lives were blessed by Erika…We pray to the Lord.  R/.


Priest:  God of power and love, you made us not for death but for eternal life.  Let the splendor of Christ’s Resurrection scatter the shadows of death and cause the radiance of eternity to shine on us.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.  R/. Amen.

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November 21, 1942